What am  expecting for the first session of visit?

The first session of visit is a thorough 45-60 minutes visit to discuss and assess the health and do the physical exam. Also there will be some tests based on the examinations and clinical presentation requested. After that Dr. Paymon will give some diet and lifestyle recommendations that the patient can follow. When the results of tests are ready, based on the individual assessment for each patient, Dr. Paymon will prescribe some supplements or will decide to give some IV therapy based on the case. The treatment will continue for 4-6 weeks and after that there will be the second visit that the patient will update the results of improvement of the changes that has happened and from there the future sessions will be decided. Usually a successful treatment will need 4-5 sessions of visits for treatment and also for the maintenance of the positive results.

What are the fees for visits?

First session ....................... $450 regular conditions

First visit ..............................$500 cancer integrative visit

Follow up visits..................... $250 regular conditions

Follow up visits .................... $300 cancer integrative visit

IV clearance Therapy ...........$200 (formulating the IV based on the patient's condition, health and constitution)

What are some of the tests that Dr. Paymon will run?

Regular blood tests for evaluation of kidney, liver, heart thyroid and .... function test

IgG Food sensitivity test

NurEval (by Genova) for nutrient and mineral deficiencis

Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) test

Genetic testing (23 and me)

What are some of the integrative therapies that I can receive at NIHA?

Massage therapy



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